CBD Oil for Acne

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Will CBD Oil Help Treat Acne?

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There are many people now turning to CBD oil for acne. Acne is one of the most common skin conditions in the U.S., affecting both men and women, children, teens, and adults too. It’s a myth that acne is something a person can grow out of, and many people will continue to struggle with acne for most of their adult years. Acne is a stubborn skin condition, and it can be challenging for someone to find out what’s causing their acne and how to treat it. This can cause someone to become desperate to try anything to get rid of spots and skin inflammation. With the CBD industry growing and gaining in popularity, many consumers may turn to this supplement as a way to treat stubborn issues like acne.

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What is acne?

Acne is an inflammatory skin infection that’s characterized by redness, irritation, and bumps pustules on the face. It’s incredibly common, and teenagers are most at-risk of experiencing acne. While it’s true that the majority of teenage acne sufferers will grow out of the condition once they enter adulthood, millions of people in the U.S. will continue to struggle with acne well past their teenage years.

It is thought that acne occurs when the hair follicles become clogged with oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells. The condition appears as a cluster of whiteheads, blackheads, or pustules. These lesions can occur anywhere on the face, neck, upper back, chest, and shoulders. There are many effective treatments for acne, but the condition is incredibly stubborn. While old lesions begin to heal, new lesions will continue to appear, and they can be very slow to heal.

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Acne, even mild forms for the condition, can cause significant emotional distress and also scar the skin even if a person takes proper precautions to prevent scarring and discoloration. But the earlier someone intervenes and attempts to treat their acne, the less likely they will be to experience these complications. Acne is divided into several categories. These categories are classified based on the severity, symptoms, and causes of the lesions. Different types of acne will require different treatment regimens.

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What are the symptoms of acne?

Acne severity and the type of acne someone has can cause a variety of different symptoms. For example, teens are more likely to suffer from whiteheads and deeper-set pustules, while adults may experience more redness and blackheads.

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  • Whiteheads, which are closed, clogged pores
  • Blackheads, which are open clogged pores
  • Small, red and tender bumps called papules
  • Pimples or pustules, which are papules with pus and infection at the skin’s surface
  • Large, solid, and painful lumps that sit beneath the surface of the skin called nodules
  • Painful, pus-filled lumps beneath the surface of the skin called cystic lesions

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What causes acne?

It’s not entirely known what causes acne, and anyone can get the condition at some point in their lives. A combination of hormones, genetics, and environmental factors can all influence the appearance of acne.

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How many people get acne every year?

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However, research on why and how this happens is new and ongoing, since the legality of cannabis often stood in the way of scientific research. But unlike THC, CBD is not a psychoactive substance and does not cause mental or physical impairment, although it can change those states. So far, research has concluded the following in regards to the endocannabinoid system and the interaction of cannabinoids from the cannabis plant.

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How is acne treated?

Usually, a combination of topical cleansers and changes in diet can help reduce acne lesions. Studies have found that eating certain dairy products, simple carbohydrates, and chocolate can worsen acne. Hormonal acne triggers in women can be prevented by using birth control.

Cystic lesions and nodules are the most likely to cause scarring, swelling, and pain. These lesions rarely come to the surface and cannot be extracted. As they grow, these lesions will stretch the layers of the skin, leading to breakage and scarring. In most cases, the only way to get rid of these lesions is to determine and treat the underlying cause. Injecting the bumps with a steroid medication can help them recede quickly and begin to heal.

There is also a range of prescription medications for acne, but these can come with a risk of side effects. Some individuals may also have sensitive skin that can’t handle most OTC topical cleansers and acne treatments. For most people, finding an acne treatment that’s going to work for their particular skin issues can take a lot of trial and error. Some alternative acne remedies include using natural clay masks, supplements, meditation, and diet changes to heal and prevent acne.

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Can CBD treat acne?

The research on CBD oil for acne treatment has not been conducted in abundance at this time. For the most part, it’s hard to say whether or not CBD oil can treat acne. Some users believe that CBD oil has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help offset inflammation in the skin.

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What are the side effects of using CBD oil?

CBD oil can cause dry mouth and drowsiness. It’s also recommended that people speak to their physician before using CBD products because CBD can interact with some prescriptions.

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Is there a recommended dose for CBD?

There is no set dosing guideline for CBD. Users will need to experiment with the best dose for their needs and biological makeup.

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Is there any research yet into CBD and acne?

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CBD is everywhere, but scientists still don’t know very much about CBD. Right now, some preliminary studies have indicated that CBD may have anti-inflammatory effects on the skin’s oil glands, which play a unique role in the appearance of acne lesions.

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Is CBD a prescription, and where can someone buy CBD oil?

CBD is a supplement, not a prescription. Consumers can buy CBD out-of-pocket at health food stores, boutiques, and through online retailers. But, it’s critical for consumers to understand that CBD is a mostly unregulated industry. Some unscrupulous companies may mislabel their CBD products.

At Hugs, we pride ourselves on putting our CBD products through rigorous, transparent, third-party testing through an independent lab. Every CBD product you purchase from Hugs has been thoroughly vetted for quality. You can see exactly what goes into our CBD products. Shop online at Hugs today and have CBD delivered straight to your door.

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Last updated September 26 2019
