Can You Get Addicted to CBD

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Can You Get Addicted to CBD Like Other Drugs?

Addiction rates in the U.S. have soared in recent years. With the opioid epidemic, a state of emergency has been declared in the U.S. Tragically, more than 100 people die each day in the U.S. from drug overdoses. More than half are attributed to opioid prescriptions and illegal opiate derivatives like heroin. With its popularity on the rise, many people are curious whether or not one can be addicted to CBD.

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When people think of addiction, they usually don’t think about marijuana addiction. For many years, there’s been a misconception in the U.S. that cannabis is non-addictive, but that’s not entirely true. What is true is that marijuana is not as addictive or as harmful as drugs like heroin or cocaine. But it is a psychoactive substance, and the euphoria it produces can get someone high. The chemical compound, THC, is to blame for the substances addictive and euphoric properties. The human body can also build up a tolerance to THC, which also plays a distinct role in the disease of addiction.

As the medical marijuana industry grows and matures, people may think that another active ingredient in cannabis, CBD, can be addictive. But CBD is an entirely different chemical compound than THC and does not come with the same risks. In this article we clarify whether or not you can become addicted to CBD.

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What is the medical definition of addiction?

Addiction is a disorder that completely rewires a person’s neural pathways. It’s a chronic disease that impairs the patient’s neurological reward system, their motivation, memory, and related neurological circuits. On the outside, addiction can change a person’s personality, emotions and behavior, and their appearance. Although addiction is a brain disease, it severely impacts all other parts of a person’s body.

A person with addiction or substance use disorder won’t be able to consistently abstain from drugs or alcohol without outside intervention, therapy, and sometimes medications. They will experience significant impairment in their ability to control their cravings and behavior toward addictive substances, or addictive behaviors like gambling. Addiction will also impair a person’s ability to see and evaluate how their disorder is affecting them realistically, and the disease will often impact their emotional responses to evidence of impairment.

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Because addiction is a chronic illness, patients will go through periods of relapse and remission, but this does not mean that treatment was a failure. Patients diagnosed with addiction disorder need continuous access to treatment and must engage in recovery activities. Without outside intervention and medical treatment, addiction is a progressive illness that will get worse. Long-term addiction will result in either disability or premature death.

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What are the differences between the physical and psychological aspects of addiction?

Addiction is a disorder that affects a person’s mental, emotional, and psychological systems as well as their physical body. The way addiction impacts someone’s emotions, and their body can vary depending on what type of drug, substance, or behavior they are addicted to.

Physically, addiction doesn’t just mean a person is getting high or drunk. Addictive substances impair someone’s ability to feel “normal.” They will spend an excessive amount of time getting high or engaging in their addiction, and then recovering from a high, while also dealing with withdrawal symptoms when they can’t get their fix.

Withdrawal symptoms are one of the most significant reasons why someone won’t attend rehab or detox. They are afraid of how severe and how long withdrawal symptoms can last. In most cases, withdrawal symptoms aren’t dangerous, but they can be in alcohol addiction. Other examples of the physical symptoms of addiction include headaches, stomach upset, fever and chills, flu-like symptoms, and aches and pains.

Psychologically, addiction makes someone engage in magical thinking. They won’t be able to fully acknowledge how much their addictive behavior is negatively impacting them and their loved ones. Addicts will also engage in risky behaviors to get high or obtain new sources of whatever substance or action they’re addicted to. For example, people with a gambling addiction may lose their home, life savings, or put their family into debt, but still be unable to stop gambling. Fear of withdrawals is also a significant aspect of addiction.

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Withdrawal symptoms also include distressing emotional symptoms like depression, anxiety, paranoia, and delusions. In severe cases, some drugs can also cause episodes of psychosis, which are potentially dangerous occurrences.

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What are the different types of addiction?

People can become addicted to different types of substances, behaviors, and impulses. Some forms of addiction are classified in the current DSM 5, but several addictive behaviors are considered more controversial and aren’t always recognized by most mental health and addiction specialists.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse, or substance use disorder, is when a person is addicted to a drug or alcohol. Just because a drug or substance is legal doesn’t mean it is 100% safe and non-addictive. Even prescription medications are sometimes classified as schedule two and three substances because of their potential for abuse and addiction. Anytime a person uses a drug or alcohol in a way it wasn’t intended for, it is considered abuse. Using an illegal drug is always considered abuse while taking more than prescribed of medication is abusive behavior. Abusing drugs or alcohol doesn’t necessarily mean someone is addicted.

What are impulse, process, or behavioral addictions?

People can also become addicted to rewarding, exciting behaviors. Gambling, sex addiction, shopping addiction, and intermittent explosive disorder are considered impulse and behavioral addictions. When someone engages in a behavior compulsively despite the consequences, and can’t stop, it’s a sign of addiction.

Can someone be addicted to CBD?

CBD is a non-addictive chemical compound found in the cannabis plant. The body cannot build a high tolerance to CBD, and it is also a non-intoxicating substance. The substance in the cannabis or marijuana plant that has addictive properties is THC, and CBD oils do not contain enough THC to get someone high or cause someone to be addicted to CBD.

Does CBD get someone high?

CBD is non-intoxicating, so people can’t get high from CBD unless the product contains THC.

How can someone use CBD oil products correctly?

First of all, it’s critical that consumers understand that although CBD is non-addictive and non-intoxicating, it’s not 100% safe. No substance or supplement is. CBD will interact negatively with certain medications. People should always speak to a doctor first before using CBD if they take a prescription.

For people who have never used CBD, it’s a good idea to start small and gradually increase the dose until they get the desired effect. Taking too much CBD can result in side effects like dry mouth and drowsiness, those these are not serious.

At Hugs, all of our CBD products are tested with a third-party lab. When you purchase a Hugs CBD product, you’re guaranteed a high-quality, all-natural CBD product free of chemicals and contaminants. Shop online at Hugs today and have CBD conveniently shipped to your home.

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Last updated June 20 2019

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