Consuming Aloe Vera Juice

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Are There Any Benefits to Consuming Aloe Vera Juice?

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Type “aloe vera juice” into the search bar, and you’ll find a range of pages all touting the benefits of drinking the juice of this succulent plant. Alleged benefits range from weight loss support, improving the immune system, and more. But with the rise in consumer’s interests in using all-natural products, it’s essential to understand that natural doesn’t always mean safe. So what are the benefits of drinking aloe vera juice, if any? Let’s explore what aloe vera is, isn’t, and if it has any health benefits or not.

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What are Aloe Vera and Aloe Vera Juice?

The aloe vera plant is a succulent species that grows prolifically in tropical climates. For hundreds of years, the plant was processed and used in different types of medical treatments and traditional herbal remedies.

The plant is fleshy species with spiky green leaves. When broken, the leaves produce a thick liquid that is the aloe vera juice. Mainly, aloe vera juice has been used as a way to treat sunburns and skin abrasions. The liquid from aloe vera can also be processed into a drink when the leaves are crushed or ground. Aloe vera enthusiasts will filter and purify the juice to make a smoothie or shake. Unlike many other medicinal herbs and plants, processing aloe vera into a drink is a relatively simple and straightforward process. For the most part, the juice produces a mild taste that most people do not find unpleasant, although a little different.

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When was Aloe Vera Juice First Used as a Health Food Supplement or Medical Treatment?

Aloe vera is one of the oldest plants on record to be used as a treatment method for a range of ailments. The first people to use the plant for health reasons were the Ancient Chinese and Egyptians. The plant was used primarily as a way to treat burns, cuts, and to reduce fever. Allegedly, Cleopatra used aloe vera as a skincare treatment, and Alexander the Great used it to treat wounded soldiers. During WWII, Japanese soldiers would use aloe vera to wounds for purported faster healing and reduced scarring.

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While the aloe vera plant grows abundantly around the world, the plant is grown commercially for health food supplements and to be processed into skincare products. As one of the most studied plants for health purposes, aloe vera allegedly has more than 200 biologically active substances, including amino acids and vitamins. An adult plant reaches maturity by four years, and it can grow up to 30 inches in height with more than 21 leaves.

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What do People Use Aloe Vera for Today?

  1. Hydration

Most people understand how important it is to drink enough water. Even mild dehydration can cause dry skin, fatigue, and headaches. But many people in the US do not get enough to drink, leading to a chronic state of dehydration. A common reason why people don’t get enough water is that they simply don’t like the taste, or lack of taste, of it. Health food enthusiasts will drink aloe vera juice as a way to stay hydrated. The drink has a flavor to it that many will find more pleasant than water alone. The aloe plant is water-dense. Consuming aloe vera juice after a workout can also help replenish the body of crucial nutrients and hydration.

  1. Skin Care

Staying hydrated can also improve the appearance of the skin. When someone is dehydrated, the skin can appear flat, and dry, and also make wrinkles look more pronounced. Some people believe that consuming aloe vera juice can also reduce acne frequency, and may also reduce psoriasis and dermatitis. Aloe vera juice also has a lot of vitamins and antioxidants in it, which can also decrease skin damage.

  1. Constipation

Dehydration can also lead to acute and chronic constipation. Since aloe vera is a water-dense plant, consuming the juice can increase hydration and reduce instances of constipation. It is believed that aloe vera juice can increase the amount of water in the intestinal tract. Any sudden changes in bowel movements that last more than two weeks should be looked at by a doctor. This can indicate a severe health issue that should be addressed.

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How Effective is Aloe Vera as a Treatment Method for These Issues?

Despite the significant marketing push for aloe vera juice lately, there has been little scientific research into these claims. Aloe vera juice is not considered a legitimate medical treatment for serious issues, and the FDA does not regulate it. Consumers should always talk to their doctor before using a supplement like aloe vera to treat any health problems they might have.

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Are There Any Short-Term or Long-Term Adverse Effects to Using Aloe Vera Juice?

Aloe vera juice can cause low blood sugar or hypoglycemia. In high doses, consuming aloe vera juice can also cause stomach cramps and pain. At high doses and taken long term, aloe vera juice has been known to cause low potassium, muscle weakness, heart and kidney problems, and dangerous levels of weight loss. Infrequently, some users can get itchy or burning skin if they use the juice on sunburns or cuts. Rarely, liver problems can occur.

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What Other Drugs or Herbs Can Treat the Same Issues as Aloe Vera?

There are many prescription and OTC topicals on the market that have been heavily tested and proven to treat burns and prevent scarring and infection of cuts. For consumers who want to stay hydrated but do not like the taste of water, adding a flavoring to their water can make it easier to drink enough water. For issues like constipation, treating it with stool softeners, both prescription and OTC can work. There are also effective dietary changes people can make to prevent stool issues.

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Last updated September 20 2019
