Taking Germander

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Is it Possible to Use Germander to Treat Health Issues?

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Recently, more and more people have been turning to germander. For centuries, human beings have been processing herbs and plants into medicines. There are hundreds of different forms of herbalism across the world. The environment, geographic area, and prevailing cultures and attitudes all influence the use of various herbs and plants for therapeutic purposes. But a common theme in herbalism is that the general condition and wellbeing of the patient is the focus of treatment, not necessarily the systems of the disease or the disease itself. In today’s age, traditional Chinese medicine is the most common and successful example of how ancient medical knowledge and practices have been applied to holistic care models in modern health practices. Traditional Chinese medicine possesses an abundance of accumulated knowledge of herbs and how they can be used in pharmacological preparations. One such herb that has been used as a holistic treatment method in traditional medicine is germander.

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What is germander?

This is a perennial shrub that belongs to the genus Teucrium and is part of the mint family. This plant is native to the Mediterranean basin. In the U.S., germander grows best in plant hardiness zones labeled five through nine, where the shrubs can reach heights of one to three feet and have a 12-inch spread. Germander is a hardy plant that can withstand droughts, and it can grow in soil that is sandy and considered of relatively poor quality. Germander plants can also grow well without any care. But, the plants thrive when watered regularly, and fed on a yearly basis with occasional pruning. Pruning the plants allows for healthy, robust blooms and foliage growth.

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What medical issues and ailments has germander been used to treat?

The parts of the plant that grow above the ground are sometimes used to make medicine. But mostly, germander is used today as a decorative shrub. Traditionally, germander has been used in folk medicine to treat upset stomach, diabetes, and gout. In the 1990s, germander-infused capsules and tea bags were approved for a variety of ailments, mainly as a weight loss supplement in Europe. Unfortunately, the precise mechanism that made germander allegedly effective for weight loss, and the active ingredients in these germander-based capsules and teas were unknown.

Widespread use of the weight-loss supplements in France led to authorities uncovering an increased risk of liver issues in germander users. Despite several safety concerns, people will still use germander-infused teas and capsules to treat gallbladder problems, stomach upset, fever, gout, and to lose weight. Germander mouth rinses are also used to freshen breath and kill oral bacteria. Some alcoholic beverage manufacturers will use germander to flavor certain drinks.

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How effective is germander?

This plant is not considered an effective treatment option for gallbladder issues, weight loss, and acute or chronic health issues. Despite the herbs obscure use in some traditional herbal remedies, germander use comes with serious risks and side effects. One of the most severe  side effects can mimic acute viral hepatitis. But discontinuing the use of the plant typically resolves symptoms and restores liver function.

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What are the adverse effects of using germander?

After the use of germander weight loss supplements became widespread in France in the early 1990s, clinicians began seeing reports of acute hepatoxicity in users. The onset of liver injury occurred within as little as two weeks after using germander regularly, and sometimes side effects didn’t happen until 18 weeks. The average duration of onset was nine weeks after starting a germander weight loss supplement. Consumers would usually feel nauseous, fatigued, and suffer from jaundice. Biopsies of germander users’ livers uncovered increased inflammation, necrosis, and fibrosis of the liver. Once users stopped taking germander, liver health, and function quickly recovered.

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Are there any long-term adverse effects of using germander?

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Unfortunately, long-term use of this plant is associated with chronic hepatitis-like syndrome. People who use germander for at least six months are at risk of developing this condition. Because germander can cause chronic hepatitis and fibrosis, many European countries have banned the sale and use of the plant as a supplement.

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Because of the issues European consumers have had with germander, germander products have never been heavily marketed or used in the U.S. Since germander products have been banned in many places, most of the recent cases of germander poisoning and injury have occurred from people trying to brew the leaves of locally-grown, decorative germander plants into weight-loss teas.

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What other herbs and medicines are used to promote weight loss besides germander?

There are many different weight loss supplements on the market that are safer than this plant. But that doesn’t mean every supplement is safe. Supplements containing ephedra or ephedrine are not considered healthy, and the FDA does not allow the sale of these supplements. Most of the weight loss supplements consumers can buy that are regarded as safe today contain aloe vera, coenzyme Q10, and green tea. As always, patients must speak to their doctor before they add a weight loss supplement to their diet.

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Is CBD a weight loss supplement?

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CBD is classified as a supplement, but it is not necessarily a weight loss supplement. CBD oil and other related products are not intended to reduce a person’s appetite or make their metabolism more efficient. The FDA has not conducted any large-scale studies on the effectiveness of CBD as a weight loss supplement or as a medical treatment for any other issues. Since CBD is mostly unregulated, consumers need to do their research on CBD before they purchase a product. CBD can also interact with specific prescriptions, and consumers should always talk to their physician before they start using a CBD supplement.

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At Hugs CBD, we’re committed to bringing high-quality CBD products to the health and wellness industry. All Hugs products are tested through an independent, third-party lab. Shoppers can see precisely what is in each of our CBD products. After you get the green light from your doctor, shop online at Hugs today and have CBD delivered conveniently to your home.

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Last updated September 26 2019
