Taking Khat

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Is Using the Supplement Khat a Bad Idea?

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You may be wondering why people use Khat. People often hate taking pharmaceutical medications because of the side effects. For many, using natural supplements, herbs, and plants is more aligned with their tastes and values. But unfortunately, natural doesn’t always mean safe. Sometimes, taking an unregulated herbal supplement like khat is a bad idea. Several years ago, the British Government banned the use and sale of khat. For consumers, it’s critical to know the side effects and dangers of herbal supplements before they decide to use plants like this as a treatment option.

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What is Khat?

This plant that grows in East Africa and throughout the Arabian Peninsula. It’s part of the evergreen shrub family, called Catha edulis. The plant contains two specific alkaloids that impact the human body called cathinone and cathine. These ingredients produce powerful stimulant effects. Traditionally, people would take the leaves of the plant and chew them, keeping the chewed up leaves in a ball up against the side of the cheek while the stimulant took effect. In that way, it is very similar to chewing tobacco.

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When the leaves of the plant are dried and sold, they are taken the same way as fresh, green leaves. But users believe the dried leaves are less potent. Sometimes, dried khat leaves are smoked, processed into tea, or crushed and sprinkled onto food.

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For hundreds of years, people in Somalia, Yemen, and Ethiopia have created entire industries from the demand of khat. Mafrishes, or khat cafes, are popular in these countries. People use khat in casual settings, like in the morning as a pick-me-up, at social gatherings, or they use it to help them study for exams and tests. Khat is also known as kat, chat, Arabian tea, qat, and qaad.

The impacts of khat are similar to amphetamines, increasing the users alertness, mental sharpness, energy, and also creating a euphoric sensation. Unfortunately, people can overuse khat and even become addicted to the substance.

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Why do People Use Khat?

In traditional settings, khat is mainly used for social gatherings and settings. People will also use the plant in much the same way as they would use other stimulants. Users take khat to help them stay awake or to increase their ability to focus. Recreationally, khat can induce euphoria or high that people enjoy at parties and other social scenes. This plant is mainly used for cultural reasons, but it is sometimes used to suppress appetite and as an alternative method for weight loss. Unfortunately, the plant is similar to cocaine and has a high potential for abuse and addiction. Rarely is this plant used for medicinal purposes.

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In the U.S., khat has not been approved for medicinal use. Where the substance is legal and a part of the cultural fabric, khat is sometimes used to treat headaches, respiratory infections, depression, and fatigue. In the U.S., cathinones, one of the main ingredients in khat, are considered a Schedule 1 drug and are illegal to use and sell. In effect, the sale and use of khat have also been banned because of drug schedule classifications.

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What are the Adverse Effects and Risks of Using Khat?

In general, the plant is considered a low-risk drug. In nations where the plant is a considerable part of the cultural landscape, it is viewed similarly to coffee in the U.S. and Europe. But khat use is associated with a range of unpleasant side effects and risks.

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  • Tooth decay
  • Weight loss
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Impotence
  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Hemorrhoids

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Research on the impacts of khat is not fully understood. Scientists have not been able to determine if the cathinones in khat are to blame for these side effects, or if smoke produced from khat leaves is the problem. Another issue that may influence the risk associated with khat use is the presence of toxic pesticides on khat leaves. Users may not wash the leaves before chewing them so that they could be experiencing side effects from the pesticides, not the khat itself necessarily.

Khat usage is also associated with an increase in certain mental health issues, including psychosis. The use has also been found to impact the symptoms of depression and violent behavior. Because khat is known to be an addictive substance, many of the issues associated with addiction to other, more well-known substances like alcohol or heroin, are also present in problematic khat use. Long-term use can also cause chronic insomnia, anorexia, liver damage, and heart attacks. Signs of use and addiction include:

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  • Agitation and irritability
  • Trouble sleeping
  • High blood pressure
  • Intense energy and euphoria
  • Weight loss and lack of appetite
  • Mood swings and depression

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The plant is illegal to use and sell in the United States, and people can only purchase the plant on the black market or overseas where the substance is legal. Worldwide, current estimates suggest that more than 20 million people use khat without issue. In these countries, the plant is viewed as a food and not a drug that people can use to get high.

While using khat is associated with a low risk of side effects, people who buy, sell or consume this plant in the U.S. invite the associated legal consequence — getting caught with the substance can result in fines, fees, and jail time.

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What are Some Viable Alternatives to Khat?

There are numerous supplements on the market today, legal in the U.S., that can produce a similar effect. Coffee and espresso can give someone a jolt of energy without the addictive euphoria and other side effects associated with the plant. CBD may be gaining in popularity in the supplement marketplace, but it is not known to have any similar stimulant effects.

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However, CBD is legal and safe for most people to use. It can impact the effectiveness of certain prescriptions, so consumers should always talk to their doctor first before buying and using CBD. Has your doctor given you the green light for CBD? Shop online at Hugs CBD today and have high-quality, lab-tested CBD delivered straight to your door.

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Last updated October 8 2019
