Consuming Licorice Root

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Can Eating Licorice Treat Certain Health Problems?

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When most people hear the word, “licorice,” they think of candy and sweet drinks. While licorice has mainly been used for a long time as a sweetener, it has roots in herbalism and traditional medicine. With the rise of the internet, search engines, and social media, many consumers are becoming more interested in traditional medicines and alternative remedies for a variety of acute and chronic health problems. But just because something is natural or traditional, doesn’t always mean it is safe or effective. Here’s what we know about using licorice to treat certain health problems.

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What is licorice?

The licorice plant is a perennial legume that grows in parts of southern Europe, Asia, India, and the Middle East. Originally, licorice was used in Asia before it spread to other parts of the world. In Europe, licorice was first used in England in a monastery in Pontefract. From there, its use as a sweetener and herbal remedy spread to the U.S. The part of the licorice plant, also called “sweet root,” that is used in candies, beverages, and herbalremedies is the small root that is about the size of a pea.

Before spreading to England and the U.S., licorice was used for centuries as a medical treatment. Today, licorice is used to flavor the drink Jagermeister, and the OTC medicine Nyquil. Licorice has a very distinct taste and smell that can be off-putting for many consumers. The substance comes in two forms, called glycyrrhizin or deglycyrrhizinated licorice, or DGL.

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How is licorice used?

For centuries, traditional Chinese medicine used licorice to treat stomach issues. Licorice root extract has been used to speed the repair of the stomach lining and restore balance to the gut in cases of stomach ulcers, heartburn, and food poisonings. Glycyrrhizic acid is believed to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting compounds that can help heal the gastrointestinal tract.

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A study on the use of licorice root and stomach problems found that the extract can reduce numbers of the toxic bacteria H. Pylori, which is associated with stomach ulcers and other forms of gastric pain. The study has also uncovered that people with stomach ulcers, heartburn, and gastritis may find improved symptoms after taking licorice extract in the form of DGL. Long-term, DGL is considered a safe extract to use for these issues.

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In the U.S., there are more than 1.7 million new cases of cancer diagnosed each year. Some of the most common cancers in the U.S. are breast and prostate cancers. Several preliminary studies on licorice root and tumor growth have found that licorice root extract may be useful alongside conventional treatment methods for these disorders. However, licorice root extract is not meant as a replacement for traditional treatment of cancer. So far, no large-scale studies on licorice root and cancer have been conducted, and the FDA has not approved licorice for cancer treatment in the U.S. according to the American Cancer Society, this research on alternative cancer treatment methods like this is still ongoing.

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Is licorice an effective treatment method for these issues?

Licorice root extract and related supplements are not meant to replace conventional treatment methods, therapy, or prescription medications. Patients should always speak to their doctor and collaborate with their medical team when it comes to changing their treatment or medication regimen, or adding and subtracting supplements to their diet. Natural, doesn’t always mean “safe.” While some studies may have indicated the usefulness of licorice as a medical treatment option, licorice extract comes with a few side effects and long-term health risks.

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What are the adverse side effects and long-term risks of consuming licorice?

Using licorice root extract for a long time, or consuming large quantities of licorice can result in a range of severe side effects. Licorice root can cause an increase in high blood pressure, and also decrease potassium levels. Low potassium levels, coupled with high blood pressure, is a recipe for severe heart and muscle problems. Most of the severe side effects associated with licorice can be traced to DGL, and it is suggested that removing DGL from licorice products may decrease these risks. It is also recommended that pregnant women avoid licorice root as a supplement, or consuming it in large quantities in candies and beverages.

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Are there other medicines or supplements that can be used instead of licorice?

Certain antibiotic medications are effective for reducing numbers of ulcer-causing H. Pylori bacteria in the stomach. There are also numerous medications on the market that are beneficial for reducing stomach acid and heartburn. These medicines turn off the tiny pumps in the stomach lining that are responsible for producing stomach acid. Changes in diet can also reduce the incidence of H. Pylori bacteria and stomach acid.

Incidences of food poisoning are usually mild and resolve without medical intervention and outside treatment. But in severe cases, patients can become dangerously dehydrated from food poisoning. It is not advised that patients use licorice extract as a treatment for this issue in place of needed medical care.

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Is CBD an alternative medication for these issues?

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CBD is not a medication; it is a supplement. CBD oils and related CBD products are not intended to replace medications for serious health issues. For most patients, it is safe to take CBD, but it can interact with other prescriptions. Consumers should always speak to their doctor before they add a supplement like CBD to their diet. It’s also essential for consumers to understand that CBD does not require a prescription from a doctor, and it can be purchased over-the-counter at health food stores or online.

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Here at Hugs CBD, we’ve made it our mission to bring increased transparency and quality to the CBD marketplace. All of our CBD products are tested through a third-party lab, and shoppers can see exactly what is in our CBD products. Once you get the “okay” from your doctor, shop online at Hugs, and have a high-quality CBD product delivered straight to your door.

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Last updated September 20 2019
