Marijuana Side Effects

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People have been using marijuana as a medicine for thousands of years. In the 1980s, the FDA approved the first-ever cannabis-derived drug for pain. Marijuana-based pharmaceutical drugs are also used to prevent seizures in epilepsy. Although marijuana can be used for medicinal purposes, it can also be used to get high.

The primary compound in marijuana that induces a euphoric, psychotropic effect is THC. THC can impair a person’s ability to think and act clearly. It can also make someone tired and clumsy. Besides the mental and physical impairments THC can have on someone, it can also cause other adverse health effects, and is the primary culprit behind ER visits for overuse of marijuana. Fortunately, it is possible to isolate the therapeutic compounds of cannabis from the potentially addictive cannabinoid THC.

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What is marijuana?

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Marijuana is a hardy plant that is part of the cannabis family. Hemp is also a part of the cannabis family. The main difference between these two plants is that marijuana possesses large amounts of THC, while hemp typically has no THC compounds or very few of them. People often confuse hemp with marijuana, but hemp is mostly used for industrial purposes, in food products, and to make CBD products and health foods. It is not used to get high.

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The marijuana and hemp plants are home to over 100 different cannabinoid compounds, and THC and CBD are just two of these compounds. Cannabinoid compounds have many different effects on the body. They can work alone to induce certain effects or work together to create an “entourage” effect. Today, consumers can enjoy a range of beneficial CBD products that can be made without THC and the risk associated with it.

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What are the desired effects of using marijuana?

For recreational purposes, people primarily use marijuana to relax and experience heightened levels of euphoria. THC is the compound that is mainly responsible for producing euphoria or a high. THC can also have mood-lifting effects.

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Many of the other compounds in marijuana will have other effects on the brain and the body. In some cases, these compounds can counteract some of the effects of THC. CBD can reduce some of the adverse reactions people have to THC. Using marijuana can alleviate aches and pains, slow time, make someone drowsy, and also reduce nausea and increase appetite. People may use cannabis to help them sleep or to alleviate pain and even calm their anxiety. But unfortunately, THC and marijuana can have other adverse side effects.

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What are the short-term adverse side effects of marijuana and THC?

Some people are sensitive to THC, or they are predisposed to anxiety and paranoia. When someone with pre-existing anxiety or sensitivity to THC consumes marijuana, they can become paranoid and anxious, or experience a panic attack. Most people who go to the ER for marijuana use are suffering from a panic attack. While it is not possible to fatally overdose on marijuana directly, THC and overconsumption of cannabis can be an unpleasant experience. Other short-term, adverse side effects that THC is responsible for include:

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[list extraclass=””]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Anxiety[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Paranoia[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Short-term memory loss[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Seeing things that aren’t real[/list_item]

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[list extraclass=””]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Impaired coordination[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Dy mouth[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Fatigue[/list_item]
[list_item icon=”fas fa-angle-right”]Red, dry, itchy eyes[/list_item]

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Indirectly, marijuana use can trigger cardiovascular issues. THC will increase blood pressure and heart rate, which can increase the chances of a heart attack or stroke in susceptible people, although this is rare.

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What are the long-term concerns of THC and marijuana?

Many of the concerns surrounding long-term marijuana use are increased if a person is a young teen when they first start using marijuana. Marijuana use during the teen years is associated with memory issues, lowered IQ, and poor school performance. Teenage marijuana users can also have problems learning and performing complex tasks.

While it’s true that marijuana is not as addictive as other drugs like cocaine or opiates, that doesn’t mean it is risk-free. The euphoria or high that THC produces can be addictive. Plus, the human body will build a tolerance to THC, so regular users will need more and more of the drug to get the same desired effect, or high. Research also suggests that marijuana use as a teen increases the chances of a person becoming addicted to other drugs as an adult.

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Can someone overdose on marijuana?

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It is possible for someone to consume too much marijuana and have an adverse reaction or marijuana side effects. But, it’s not likely for someone to overdose on marijuana directly. Emergency room visits for marijuana use have risen sharply in recent years with the increased use of marijuana edibles. With these products, it’s difficult for people to gauge how much of the substance they have taken and they can accidentally overeat an edible marijuana product.

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Are there alternatives to marijuana when it’s used as a medical treatment?

CBD is the compound in marijuana that gives users the most therapeutic effects. CBD is responsible for the calming effects of marijuana, without the panic-inducing, and possibly addictive high that THC can create.

For some health issues, THC and CBD combined products are useful. But most people can get the benefits of marijuana without having to risk getting high with THC. CBD tinctures, vapes, and edibles are effective and safe for most consumers to use in a variety of different mediums.

CBD can’t get someone high. It’s also not possible to overdose on CBD or build a tolerance to CBD. Mostly, CBD is extracted from the hemp plant, which has little-to-no THC in its chemical composition. The most common side effects of using CBD are dry mouth and drowsiness. It is rare for someone to have an adverse reaction to a CBD product. However, CBD will interact with some prescriptions, and users should speak to their doctor before trying CBD. It’s important for users to understand that no product or supplement is 100% safe for everyone to use, and speaking to a physician before adding a new supplement to someone’s routine is prudent for safety reasons.
